
In this section, we'll explore the core concepts of Light Services, which include Arguments, Steps, Outputs, Context, and Errors.


Arguments are the inputs provided to a service when it is invoked. They can be validated by type, assigned default values, and be designated as optional or required.

Read more about arguments


Steps are the fundamental units of work within a service, representing each individual task a service performs. They can be executed conditionally, retried (this feature is currently in development), or skipped.

Read more about steps


Outputs are the results produced by a service upon its completion. They can have default values and be validated by type.

Read more about outputs


Context refers to the shared state that passes between services in a service chain, enabling the transfer of arguments and error states from one service to another.

Read more about context


Errors are exceptions that occur during the execution of a service. When an error occurs, the execution halts, and all services within the same context chain stop as well. Each service is wrapped in a database transaction; if an error arises, the transaction is rolled back, although this can be disabled if necessary.

Read more about errors

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